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Test Driving the Tesla Model S with the boys

It's weird how much I like this car. While one day I hope cars aren't a thing and our enlightened children levitate on telepathic dreams, right now the Tesla is our best option. The Model S is the electric sedan with more common sense gadgetry than Mary Poppins purse. Also, you can put the kids in the trunk.

I loved driving the Model S. It's crazy fast and can charge in the same plug you use your blender. The downside is the price. Right now you're looking at about $80,000. There are some incentives (like not having to buy gas and oil,) and in Colorado you get a $7500 cash rebate after you put $13,500 down. That's some solace, but not sure if it's enough to drive my family into bankruptcy. Although, living in a car wouldn't be so bad if it has wifi and a 17" screen.

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  • Response
    The use of better car is the desire for the people. The luxury car is the aim for many ones. The test drive with boy is the big ask made happier performance for some one. The need for such drive makes chance for making plan for future buying.

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