Bob Newhart Interview

I've been meaning to get this up for SIX YEARS. You can tell I'm excited to benefit from his experience as a successful comic and actor. And, yah, his promoter hired me for two shows. The promoter was an intimidating guy. He looked like a James Bond villain. He wore an all-white suit and walked with a cane. Right before the show, right about when my heart was going to explode, he pulled me backstage and said, "I don't care what Bob told you, you're only doing 2 minutes." That was helpful.
So I went out and I have to say I don't remember a thing. There was some laughter and some bright lights and that's all I know. It's like you're abducted by the stage. I do recall not wanting to leave. When I finally did I ran into Dr. No leaning on his cane, his hands atop one another as if his walking staff was deciding my fate. I tried to avoid him but he said, "I'm slow but I'll find you!" He was joking, I think, but I stopped and thanked him for the opportunity. Grim, he replied, "I told you two minutes. You did ten."
I stammered into an apology and an unwitting Newhart impression. He stopped me and said, "They were dead out there. You warmed them up."
I looked back at him and waited for the death ray. But he ended with the best possible thing I could hear: "Bob liked it. We'll see you here tomorrow night."
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