More from Rick the TMI Guy

You know your life is a little scattered when you find yourself eating a cheap bag of meat in the back of a grocery store. It was about 11pm and I made the mistake of going to the store hungry. I mean I really lost it. I snarfed a packet of corned beef, one of smoked ham and another of turkey. The leery cashier rang up the greasy remains. Then I left without getting what I went for, dog food, and then had to stop at another store where I found some cookies called "Chocolate Chewies". If angels poop then I think this is it. Amazing. So this morning Paco is waiting for me to go get him some food and I'm trying to gather myself in my brother-in-law's kitchen.
I'm thrilled to announce that for my refugee family I did remember the baby-booger-sucker, the extra socks and even the breast pads. Although at work today Sarah will find that I got her an odd number of them.
It's been crazy. The house is nearly finished, but to get to this point I had to practically sell my soul (seriously, I'm not kidding...this story can be heard in our podcast) to the contractor/devil.
All kinds of workers mill through our home. Looking at some of the guys it's like we hung a "topless girls" sign on our window. However, their leader, Rick the TMI Guy, says he has it under control.
Last night he caught me as I was about to wrap up my errands. First, he needed to tell me about his sore back. He's been sleeping on the floor. The news, however, is good in that one of the work release guys was let out of the can, so he can move up to an actual bed. Rick also shared with me the story of spending a year in prison as well as breaking a guy's hand with a baseball bat. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then he asked for the key to our house. Suddenly I was Bob Newhart stuttering his question back to him. It does make sense that he has them since he's working on the place whether we're there or not. And I figured that at least he's honest.
It was my third attempt crawl out of Rick's truth tunnel when he said he had to go, too, because he needed a pay phone. He needed a landline to report to his PO. I told him to use ours. He didn't want to risk messing up the floor's finish. Then I said I could ask my neighbors.
He told me 'no' because he didn't want anybody knowing too much about him.

Reader Comments (4)
Apparently you fall under the "need to know" category - don't you feel special?? :)
"Work Release Welcome"??
Although, on a more selfish note. I'm loving the endless amount of entertainment. Rick the TMI guy should be a SNL skit!