Chicago to Cleveland to Balitmore

Total Google Travel Time: 11 hours 45 minutes
Ours: 34 hours
We're in Baltimore at Sarah's parent's house. It is so weird referring to them as "Grandma" and "Grandpa". They even have pictures of our baby all over their house. I'm not used to seeing that. Usually I'm looking at pictures of other people's babies and faining interest in their cuteness. And then breezing out the door with nothing but plans to watch football and drink beer. But I get the whole surreal multimedia experience here. I'm intensely staring at Quin's picture on their refrigerator while he cries in the next room. And this kid becomes all the more real. These people who used to be my in-laws have now become the same people who I used to visit every summer and on holidays. They had candy, copious amounts of candy, and were much cooler than their children, my parents. Oh, no. I'm already that guy who'll make the grandparents look so good. I'll have to be my dad, the disciplinarian, who has to do all the hard work while Quin's Nanna and Gappy (they always get cute nicknames, too...not so for parents) take him out to Dairy Queen and buy him all the things I say he can't have. This whole thing must be rigged. The AARP is very powerful, you know, and probably have a hand in it.
Yesterday we were in Cleveland and I have to thank Sarah's cousin, Susan, for feeding us real food and letting us do laundry and watch satellite TV. Three movies came and went on the Starz network and I think Quin let us watch a total of ten scattered minutes. One moment Sarah Jessica Parker was all uptight and socially inept in The Family Stone, and then after some Quin soothing Will Smith was running around San Francisco in Pursuit of Happyness. Finally, I caught a glimpse of Tom Hanks and a French hottie in The Da Vinci Code. It was an intriguing medley of movies and had I not already seen all three of them I'd probably think it was one very long, disjointed epic. In a few months, when our pre-baby movie days have long ago left us ignorant of current events, we'll probably be snatching brief clips of the latest releases and trying to figure out why Matt Damon is beating up so many people up in Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
I'm on my mother-in-law's Grandmother J's computer and need to get back to socializing. But first, PA is beautiful this time of year. My favorite state so far this trip.
And earlier today I used my Mac laptop to warm bags of breast milk. It worked like a charm. And it might make Quin smarter by osmosis. But if I used a PC he might actually crash for a while.
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